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My warmest greetings to Youthlead Philippines as you hold the Fifth Philippines I Transform! Young Leaders Convention (PITYLC).

To ensure that the youth inherit a stable and bright future, there is a need to guide and equip them with the necessary knowledge, abilities, and principles. In this way, they will be empowered to choose the right path.

In this regard, I would like to thank and congratulate PITYLC for providing a venue where our young leaders can gather, share their experiences, and learn from others towards preparing themselves for the greater responsibilities that lie ahead.

This is especially important because our nation is in crisis—a crisis precipitated not by a war on drugs, but a crisis of democracy where citizens are silenced despite the prevalence of violence in our society; where lies and rumors are fabricated by some forces in our State to accomplish their personal and political agendas.

I encourage the youth to rise above fear and face the challenges to our democracy in whatever way they can: to speak up for what is right even if it is unpopular, to raise the level of public discourse, and to stand up for our ideals and values. A strong sense of service and responsibility to society brought you to where you are today, and I deeply hope that this stays with you moving forward.

Rest assured that I am one with you in capacitating our youth and our countrymen to uplift our society— from protecting human rights, upholding the rule of law, and creating equitable opportunities across the Philippines.

I look forward to working with each of you to turn our collective goals into reality. Together, let us bequeath a better future for the next generation.

I wish Youthlead Philippines all the best in its endeavors. Thank you very much.

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