I’m enraged beyond measure upon reading the PDI article yesterday, “Volunteer group to file raps vs. rescued cat’s abusers” by Matthew Reysio-Cruz. It made me cry, more so that I’m still in mourning from my recent loss last June 12 of my favorite stray cat, “Bran”, colored white like the rescued abused cat, “Van”.
I laud the unnamed security guard who rescued “Van”, by cutting him loose from the rope around his neck, as tied at the back of a delivery truck. “Van” was reportedly forced to run, repeatedly, behind the truck. Utterly heartless and barbaric!
I also laud the volunteer group, “Cats of Araneta”, for promptly giving aid to “Van” and taking steps to seek justice on his behalf. I throw my full support to them in their intended filing of appropriate charges against the perpetrators pursuant to the Animal Welfare Act.
Humans must learn to respect lesser and weaker creatures. No to cruelty to animals!
Lastly, I wish to adopt “Van” and be allowed to take care of him here in my detention quarters, along with my other stray cats. Please…
(Access the handwritten copy of Dispatch from Crame No. 536, here: https://issuu.com/senatorleil…/…/dispatch_from_crame_no._536)Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: Dispatch from Crame No. 536, Author: Senator Leila M. de Lima, Name: D…