With the sacking of five police officers for alleged involvement in the smuggling or disappearance of P6.8 billion worth of shabu, Justice Secretary Guevarra has also ordered the NBI to conduct a parallel probe to validate and build possible cases from intelligence reports that implicated PNP, PDEA, and BOC officials in the “recycling” of seized shabu and in the operations of illegal drug syndicates.
I must laud these efforts of the DOJ and the NBI in conducting such probe and case build-up on law enforcement officers involved in the illegal drug trade. This should always have been the government’s focus in the fight against illegal drugs, instead of carrying out a bloodbath of thousands that up to now has not resulted in any significant effect on the illegal drug trade.
If only the government has focused on big-time drug syndicates and their accomplices in the law enforcement sector, instead of the small-time street pushers, the fight against illegal drugs would have already accomplished a lot by this time.
Unfortunately, so much valuable resources and time had been wasted on suspected small-time drug offenders, as well as in persecuting those who are against the summary execution of these suspects. If only government resources used to manufacture fake charges against me were instead used on real drug lords, the fight against illegal drugs would have already gone a long way by now.
While I do not expect the DOJ and the NBI to admit that what they filed against me are fake charges, and what they have against me are perjured or coached witnesses, I still hope that one day they would realize the dishonor they have caused to their institutions and themselves when they started the drug war by jailing me, instead of capturing the real drug lords who continue to roam free and smuggle billions of pesos of shabu.
By telling the truth, they would cleanse their conscience of guilt, spare my family from further sufferings, and save the country from lies and deceptions. ###