Much as I doubt the sincerity of the reasons why President Duterte let go of Secretary Aguirre, the new appointments made by him are as good as they can get under this administration.
Senior Deputy Executive Secretary Menardo Guevarra to the DOJ, Director Oscar Albayalde to the PNP, and Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez to the AFP are good choices. They are all men of honor, competence, and integrity.
Hopefully, despite the President, Guevarra can bring back true dispensation of justice at the DOJ, bereft of any partisan and persecutorial agenda; that Albayalde can return respect for human rights and genuine police work at the PNP; and that Galvez can once more assert the defense of Philippine territories in the West Philippine Sea against China and effectively pursue the peace agenda in our internal security concerns.
I wish these gentlemen all the luck in their new appointments, with the unsolicited advice and guidance of a senior public official like themselves that their loyalty lies first with the Constitution and the Republic, and second only with the President who appointed them.
Gentlemen, there is no dishonor in doing what is right and firmly standing by it. You will be remembered for not how you serve this President, but for how well you serve your country, and your people inspite of him. ###